Interaction of the author, editorial Board and editorial Board is based on ethical standards (norms) adopted in the publishing world, taking into account mutual interests and principles of editorial policy, which implies:

  • publication of articles meeting scientific standards of reasoned, innovative and / or exploratory nature;
  • publications on actual theoretical and empirical problems;
  • the opportunity to Express the author's point of view, not necessarily coinciding with the opinion of the editorial Board and the editorial Board, but having a convincing argument, a logically built analysis;
  • to the objectivity of the evaluation of manuscripts, the journal uses a peer review of the editorial Board of the collection 1 time per month ("half-blind" reviewing) and, if necessary, the manuscript is sent to the external experts (peer review);
  • compliance with the technology of passage of the manuscript and timely notification of the authors of its passage;
  • the selection of materials for the current issue is determined by the editorial plans. The editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit the articles. According to the agreed request of the author, editorial changes subject to approval.

    author's Ethical principles

    1. the Author presents a manuscript indicating personal involvement in the development of this topic. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors are listed, and that all co-authors see and approve the final version of the article and agree to submit it for publication in the journal.
    2. the Author does not use material that is plagiarism. If the authors used someone's work and / or words, they should be cited accordingly.
    3. the Author undertakes not to publish the submitted manuscript in other editions, to notify the editorial office about the transfer to another edition.
    4. the Author has the right to withdraw the article at any stage of its consideration with the obligatory notification of the editorial Board.
    5. the Author must comply with the requirements for the manuscript (see the Requirements for the manuscript on the journal's website).
    6. if a significant error or inaccuracy is found in the published work, the author is obliged to notify the editor about it and cooperate on the correction.
    7. Slander and insulting remarks against other authors and publications are unacceptable.

    ethical review principles

    1. the papers Submitted for discussion are evaluated on the theoretical, methodological and methodical grounds of the submitted manuscript.
    2. in case of conflict of interests the reviewer warns the editorial Board and refrains from reviewing.

      Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Reviewers should Express their opinion clearly and reasonably. With the help of recommendations the reviewer can help the author to improve the materials submitted for publication. Priority is given to the merits, not the shortcomings of the manuscript.

    3. the Manuscript received for review is a confidential document. It cannot be shown to anyone or discussed with anyone, except in cases approved by the editor.

    Ethical editing principles

    1. the Editor must decide on the fate of the manuscript within 2 months from the date of registration.
    2. when making a decision, the editor relies on the opinion of the editorial Board, as well as, if necessary, involves external experts.
    3. the Editor evaluates only the intellectual content of the manuscript regardless of the status and other characteristics of the author. The exceptions are novice authors (graduate students), the editor pays special attention to working with them.
    4. the Editor keeps in touch with the author during the passage of the manuscript in the journal, presents a generalized answer (in case of refusal to publish) on the basis of the opinion of the editorial Board or experts.

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