(developed with regard to GOST and OST for the design of the author's original text: GOST & nbsp; 7.1–84, GOST & nbsp; 7.1–2000, GOST & nbsp; 7.9–95, GOST 8.417–81, GOST 7.1–2003, OST & nbsp; 29.115–88)

Author's manuscripts are submitted in electronic form (text & nbsp; - in the format * .doc; tables & nbsp; - * .doc and * .xls; graphs and charts, diagrams, maps and figures & nbsp; - * .cdr, * .tif, *. jpg, * .bmp; photos & nbsp; - in the formats * .tif, * .jpg, * .bmp with a resolution of at least 400 & nbsp; dpi) and print at exactly the stated time .

The structure of the article should include:

  1. UDC
  2. Article title (in Russian and English).
  3. Information about the author and all co-authors: last name, first name, middle name; academic degree; place of work (in Russian and English); contact information & nbsp; - email address, phone numbers.
  4. Name of the institution where the work was done (in Russian and English)
  5. Brief (50–120 words, as a rule, this is 6–8 sentences), but comprehensively, fully reflecting the essence of the work abstract in Russian and English. Annotation should not be italicized, underlined, etc. The text should not be divided into paragraphs. In the abstract is not allowed quoting. Abbreviations must be decrypted. Immediately after the annotation, keywords (in Russian and English), which may consist of individual words and phrases, must be submitted. It is not necessary to select text in italic or bold.

    A completed manuscript should be no more than 1 copyright sheet (40 & nbsp; 000 characters including spaces)

    1. The summary of the article does not include the abstract, keywords, list of references, information about the author in Russian and English. All abbreviations must be decoded; references, tables and illustrations, captioned captions are saved in separate files and printed on separate sheets. The materials are presented in a folder providing their safety, marked by the names of the authors and the name of the work.
    2. * two reviews, one of which is external. Reviews must be certified by the reviewer's place of work.

      * To avoid the appearance in the journal of weak, undeveloped and “science-like” materials, the article should undergo an internal review, i.e. & nbsp; e. accompanied by a substantiated conclusion about the scientific importance and feasibility of its publication by the head of the department or the head of a scientific field.

      Technical Requirements for Manuscript Execution

      In the electronic version of the manuscript of any size of the table, the list of references, drawings and signatures to them are made up in separate files (which should be reflected in the name of the file with the appropriate extension, for example: text.doc, tabl-1.doc, tabl 2.doc, literature.doc, caption-fig.doc; fig-1.cdr, fig-2.jpg; photo-1.tif, etc. & nbsp; d.).

      When saturating a manuscript with illustrations and analytical data, it is important to observe the “principle of necessary sufficiency”, i.e. & nbsp; e. they must be absolutely necessary, clear, easily perceived and generally facilitate, not hinder, the perception of the text, explain, but not duplicate it and each other (for example, it is not always reasonable to put tabular data and graphs based on them in one article, and then each numerical value is also described in the text).

      For graphics, as for text, you must have an electronic version and printout. All graphic applications should be extremely clear, descriptive, carry comprehensive information, and, if necessary, reduce them, & nbsp; - remain just as informative, clear and readable.

      The coordinate axes in the graphs must be signed, the units of measurement of the values ​​being deposited are & nbsp; - indicated, the letter and symbol symbols & nbsp; - are decoded. The same applies to the parameters and lettering of tables and mathematical formulas.

      The text indicates only the place where you want to insert a particular table or figure. The pictures, graphics, photographs and tables themselves must be in the appropriate * cdr, * .tif, * .jpg, * .bmp files, but not in the text.

      Tables and pictures are numbered sequentially, i.e. & nbsp; e. as far as mentioned in the text.

      Text it is recommended to break into sub-chapters or stick to this logical structure when writing:

      • introduction;
      • method;
      • main part;
      • conclusions;
      • thanks (m. & nbsp; e. this section is necessary if you need to indicate that the article was prepared within the framework of the grant, to thank colleagues who are not the authors of the article, but with their assistance the research was carried out, and so on. & nbsp; n.)
      • literature.

      the Article should be executed in Microsoft Office Word, font size 14, font Times New Roman, spacing 1.0; margins: left — 3 cm, top, right and bottom — by 2 see Alignment by width.

      In the texts of the valid introduction of the following formatting elements:

      • the separation of header from the main text by the omission of one line;
      • indentation (red line), but only automatically, not with a space key;< / li>
      • full dash (—) key combination Ctrl+Alt+(-) (in the far right corner of the keyboard);< / li>
      • introduction of a short dash between numeric values (e.g., 1997-2000) by pressing Ctrl+ ( -) (in the far right corner of the keyboard);< / li>
      • introduction of an indissoluble space by Shift+Ctrl+prbel before a long dash ( —), before a short dash in the list of references ( – Novosibirsk, 2018), between a digit and a designation (200 kg), between a number and a digit (no.  15), between a digit and a year (2018 ); between abbreviations up to 1 letter (t d; t t;. t; nbsp; E. in t. & nbsp; h.; 1200 & nbsp;m & nbsp; n. & nbsp; u. nbsp; M.);< / li>
      • in the text, put the letter e in the surname;< / li>
      • formatting of parts of the text with the "list" format (marked, numbered, multilevel);< / li> the
      • automatic text alignment and automatic (using MS Word) introduction hyphenation (in any case — by pressing (-)!) < / em>.< / li> < / ul>


        • introduction of unnecessary (e.g., 2-3 spaces in a row) or lack of necessary spaces between words (e.g., the initials of the surname must always be separated by a space);< / li>

          discharge of a text (eg., in headings) by introducing a space between characters;< / li>

        • attempts to align text (e.g. in tables or headings) the introduction of blanks or unfinished translation of the phrase in the next line by pressing Enter.< / li> < / ul>

          when you enter mathematical, chemical, physical expressions and quantities into the text, you must reproduce them either by Word or by the built-in mathematical editor to ensure uniformity in the character style and size. When writing formulas by means of Word, it is important to monitor the compliance of the format of the input characters with the generally accepted norms in mathematics (i.e. E. something must be entered in italics, something in bold, something in straight font, etc. etc.).

          are Numbered (Arabic numerals in parentheses at the right edge of the page on the continuation of the line with the formula) only those formulas that are referenced in the subsequent text.

          the Explication (explanation, designation) of the symbols used in the formula is carried out sequentially, the decoding of the subsequent symbol from the previous one is separated by a semicolon.

          bibliographies and references

          • references in the text should be made in parentheses (author's name, comma, year, comma, page, e.g., (Lisitsyn, Bogdanov et al., 1993, p. & nbsp;6) or (Lisitsyn et al., 1992);< / li>
          • sources are listed in alphabetical order; citations in the text;< / li>
          • all sources from the list of references should be referenced in the text and all sources from the list of references should be specified in the text;< / li>
          • the list of references is made in accordance with the sample (see section "sample of literature").< / li>
          • in the presence in the text of references to foreign sources in the list of the literature made in alphabetical order at first works in Russian, then (in alphabetical order) works in foreign language are given.< / li> < / ul>

            references< / em> should be drawn up according to the rules imposed by GOST & nbsp;7.1-84 (and GOST 7.1–2000) to the extended bibliographic description:< / p>

            • the various elements of the description and their groups are preceded by the corresponding conventional delimiter characters:< / li>
            • dot and short dash (. –) precedes the description area (GOST allows its replacement by a point);< / li> < li>the colon (:) precedes additional information revealing and explaining the title;< / li>
            • semicolon (;) precedes each homogeneous group of information;< / li>
            • double slash (//) separates one part of the title from the other part;< / li>
            • slash (/) precedes the responsibility information (the dot is not saved before the slash and the double slash except for the dot as an abbreviation, < / em>exclamation and question marks);< / li> < li>comma (,) precedes the area of quantitative characteristics;< / li> < li>abbreviations of individual words and phrases in the description are mandatory for all elements except the title and surnames. In descriptions are used only generally accepted abbreviations of words and phrases, often found in bibliographic records: in foreign languages –adopted by GOST  7.11— 78, in Russian –GOST  7.12-93. Information relating to the title and consisting of a single word is given without abbreviation (e.g., Reference, Textbook);< / li>
            • in the bibliographic description (required!!!) < / em>provides information about the number of pages of the publication (for an article — about the pages occupied by it (eg.: P. & nbsp;29-41) in a particular publication; for monographs, books, abstracts, textbooks, etc.  - the total number of pages (eg., 204  C.). Link to specific pages when necessary (e.g., when quoting), is done in the text, e.g.: (Lisitsyn, Bogdanov et al., 1993, p. 4).< / li>
            • in General, the bibliographic description follows the following pattern: Title /liability Information.  - Output.< / li> < / ul>

              examples of bibliographic descriptions (example of literature design)< / p>

              the Monograph, the book: the Title (first and last initials of the authors. Name) / statement of responsibility (Resp. (nauch.) ed., academic degree, Initials. Surname.)& nbsp;– Output (place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.  - Total number of pages):< / p>

              Oidup & nbsp; T. M. Distribution of power in the city in the conditions of reforming of local governments in Russia: sociological analysis /  OTV. ed. Doc. Econ. G. Polulyakh Sciences.– Kyzyl: tuvikopr so ran, 2006.  - 100  C.< / p>

              Ondar & nbsp; S. O., Dubrovsky & nbsp; N. D. Biological systems at different time scales: in 3 parts / & nbsp; Resp. ed. Doc. geogr. PhD, Professor S. S. Kurbatsky.– Kyzyl: tuvikopr so ran, 2005. – CH.  I.  - 360  p.

              Articles in peer-reviewed periodicals: Title (authors ' Surnames and initials. Title of the article) / / & nbsp;the name of the periodical.  - Output (year.  - Volume.  -№. –pages  (from-to). For example:< / p>

              Ajunova .the D., Kalush A. Yu., Loginov V. M. Link the seismic activity of the territory of Tuva and adjacent parts of Mongolia with a fractal dimension of fault system //Geology and Geophysics.  - 2007.  - T. & nbsp;48.  no 7.  - C.  769-775.

              Articles in scientific thematic foreign and domestic collections: Title (Surnames and initials of authors. Title of the article) / / / title of the publication: Additional information explaining the title) / & nbsp;Information about responsibility (Resp. (nauch.) ed., Uchen. degree, Initials. Surname.)& nbsp;– Output (place of publication: publishing House, year of publication.  -   Pages (from-to):

              the state and development of the natural resources of Tuva and adjacent regions of Central Asia

              < em > the economy of Tuva in the period of TNR (1921-1944). Geoecology of natural environment and society: Vol. 9 / & nbsp; OTV. ed. Doc. GEOL.-min. d. VI Lebedev.– Kyzyl: tuvikopr so ran, 2007.  - C.  309-314.

              Abstracts and articles in the proceedings of conferences, symposia, seminars, meetings: Title (Names and initials of the authors. The title of the work) // the Name of edition (conference, Symposium, and so p) / Information about the liability (if any): Additional information that explains the title).& nbsp;– Output (place of publication: publishing House, year of publication.  - Pages (from-to):< / p>

              Zaika < / em>aquatic ecosystems of southern Tuva and northwestern Mongolia and their entomofauna / / Natural conditions, history and culture of Western Mongolia and adjacent regions / Resp. ed. Doc. GEOL.-min. d. VI Lebedev, doctor. Biol. Sciences, S. O. Ondar, doctor. Econ. Sciences Yu. G. Polulyakh: Materials of VII Intern. Conf. (19-23.09.2005, Kyzyl): in 2 volumes.– Kyzyl: tuvikopr so ran, 2005.  - T.  1.  - C.  154-159.

              < p>Dissertations and abstracts: Title (Surname and initials of the author. The title of the work (specialization): for Additional information, explaining the title).& nbsp;– Output (place of publication, only for dissertation< / em> — № Dissertation Council, date of defense and confirmation).  - Ls. number of pages. For example:< / p>

              Ozerskaya < / em> population Structure and ecology of birds of biocenoses of Ubsu-Nur basin (spec.: 02.00.08; 03.00.16 & nbsp;— Zoology; ecology): Dis. ...  kand. Biol. sciences'.  - M.: D 501.001.20, protection 10.11.2008, Subtotal.  16.01.2009.  - 146  C.< / p>

              Dabiel D. F. Economic evaluation of efficiency of development of mineral resources of the region (on example of Republic of Tyva) (spec.: 08.00.05-Economics and management of national economy: regional economy): author. ...  kand. Econ. sciences'.& nbsp;– Novosibirsk, 2009.  - 20  C.< / p>

              articles in multi-volume editions: Title (article Title) //publication Title: Additional information explaining the title.& nbsp;– Output (place of publication: publishing House, year of publication.  - pages  (from-to.)). For example:< / p>

              Western Siberia. Geological description // Geology of the USSR: T. XIV, part I. – M: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1967.  - P.  346-365.

              teaching AIDS: Title (Names and initials of the authors. Title of work: Additional information explaining the title).& nbsp;– Output (place of publication: publishing House, year of publication.  - Ls. number of pages). For example:< / p>

              Lebedev VI < /em > natural resources of the Republic of Tyva: problems and prospects of their development: Lectures for students of the 5th course of natural Sciences.- geogr. fuck-TA.– Kyzyl: tuvikopr so ran, 2007.  - 77  p.< / p>

              Mongush AA Organic world in the history of The earth. manual on the history of Geology.– Kyzyl: Tyugu, tuvikopr so ran, 2005.  - 36  p.< / p>

              Electronic publications (according to GOST & nbsp; 7.4): Title (Names and initials of authors. Title of the work) / / / title of the publication: Additional information explaining the title) / & nbsp;Information on liability (if any)) [Electron. resource.]& nbsp;– Output (place of publication: publishing House, year of publication).  - access Mode: E-mail address, free (date accessed). For example:< / p>

              burdine & nbsp;N. In. Lebedev VI Semi-industrial tests of the technology of enrichment of gold-containing copper-molybdenum-porphyry ores of the Deposit Kyzyk-Chadr (Tuva) // & nbsp; Enrichment of mineral raw materials. Processes and equipment: Materials V international. scientific.- prakt. Conf. [Electron. resource.]& nbsp;– Novosibirsk: JSC plant "Trud", 2007.  - access Mode: http://www.zavodtrud.ru< / a>, free (accessed 01.01.2015)< / p>

              Legal documents (according to GOST R 7.0.5 2008): Title of the official document (law, decree, decree, etc.): information relating to the title, date of adoption of the document //nbsp;title of the publication.  - year of publication.  - Issue (for magazine), date and month for newspaper.  - First and last pages.

              about the military regulations... : Federal constitutional act of 30 Jan. 2002 , No. 1-FKZ // meeting of the legislation of.  - 2002.  no 5.  - C.  1485-1498 (V. 375).

              About government of the Commission on administrative reform: decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 31 July 2003 number 451 // meeting of the legislation of.  - 2003.  - № & nbsp;31. – C. & nbsp; 3150.

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